there's an adrenaline rush we feel everytime a great emotion comes along.
whether we are being surprised, shocked, amazed --
we feel something is going on rushing through our veins deep inside us;
we don't bother to analyze every single detail of such feeling;
it's what we feel that we are able to define...
but once we try to look into what's really happening inside;
we are mixed up and don't know how to define it;
we say it's complicated to tell.
complications in life will always be present amongst us.
no matter how hard we try to have simple living;
life itself complicates us...
studies... work... colleagues... friends... family...
what to wear, where to go, how to behave;
sometimes add up to these complications...
love? it will always be complicated.
loving a person who doesn't love you at all.
both of you love each other but you can't be together.
a person loves you deeply but you don't love him/her at all.
loving someone who loves another person.
loving each other but both of you have already partners.
loving a person who have no idea you love him/her.
we find Romantic love between one man and one woman.
It may end beautifully or tragically.
Lustful love usually ends up hurting someone.
The kind of love that ruins lives and reputations.
It cares only about sex.
Friendship love is a caring love.
It is a special love that has no demands or conditions.
Smothering love is the kind that demands constant attention.
One will not let another have a life.
Unrequited love is love that is not openly reciprocated,
even though reciprocation is usually deeply desired.
Godly love is a perfect love.
It is the love that is willing to go so far
as to give up ones' life for another.
you see! there are so many ways we could think about loving.
when we try to imagine or define it, we end up asking ourselves;
we yearn for answers but we always left it hanging.
follow your brain over your heart.
choose your heart over what's in your mind.
then, we don't know what to do.
think. feel. decide. choose.
we left part of us with unanswered questions and move along.
coz everytime we look behind, there will always be complications.
we can never depart from complications.
it's just there.
as long we are ready to face it up.
strong enough to have courage to fight against it;
...anything worth having is worth the risk...